Feb 27, 2009

Feinstein $1 Million Challenge

Mr. Feinstein's Letter to YOU:

Alan Shawn Feinstein

37 Alhambra Circle

Cranston, RI 02905

Please use MY money to help your neighbors in need!

My name is Alan Shawn Feinstein. For the past 9 years, I have been giving away $1 million each year to anti-hunger agencies throughout the country.

This year, I am doing it again…


Why am I doing this? Because I believe each of us was put here on earth to do what we can to help those in need. You got this letter because we feel that YOU believe that, too.

This has become the greatest grass roots campaign ever to fight hunger in our country. Your donation makes you a partner in it with me!

My money started this campaign but it is YOU who will help decide how many needy people in your city or town will be fed this year. I’m only here to give you some support and to remind you of this: That all that will matter to us someday is what we did while we were here to help those who needed us.

We Are Needed Now!

Please give whatever you can - I will gladly add some of my money to yours. My $1 million will be divided in full proportionately among the agencies receiving donations toward my offer.

Thank you for sharing my heart, and the hope that—someday—no one will ever go hungry.

Sincerely Yours,

Alan Shawn Feinstein

Join us in the Feinstein $1 Million Challenge!

Have you ever heard of Alan Shawn Feinstein?

For the 12th consecutive year, Alan Feinstein will divide $1 million among hunger fighting agencies nationwide using it to help them raise funds during March and April, 2009.

This year, donations made to the Community Storehouse in March or April will have Feinstein Challenge money added to it - the more donations we receive, the more of the $1 million we'll receive - all thanks to you, our generous donors!

Feinstein's past $1 million challenges to fight hunger have raised a record $940 million for agencies nationwide.
Become partners in what has become the #1 grassroots campaign to fight hunger - donate to the Community Storehouse!

Please, mail your support to: Community Storehouse, P.O. Box 3015, Martinsville, VA 24115 - or - donate securely online at http://www.communitystorehouseofmhc.org/.

Thank you!

For more information on the Feinstein Challenge, visit http://www.feinsteinfoundation.org/.

Feb 25, 2009

NEW Health & Hygiene Program

Most of us go to the grocery store and put whatever we want in our carts. When people using food stamp benefits go to the grocery store, they must have cash for any non-food items they need, as these items cannot be purchased with food stamps. Consequently, poor families, unemployed persons, and elderly persons on fixed incomes often must do without things that are essential for health and well being; things like soap, shampoo, toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, cold medications, and pain relievers. Lack of these items can cause serious complications in their lives, interfering with their ability to function effectively on a daily basis and potentially leading to serious illness.

A study by researchers at Northwestern University has shown that non-prescription over-the-counter medications such as cough syrups, cold and flu remedies, decongestants and allergy treatments have a significant impact in terms of preventing more serious infections. Consequently, the use of these products can prevent unnecessary physician or emergency room visits, improve work productivity for adults, prevent lost school days for children, and reduce the inappropriate use of prescription drugs. Northwestern researchers estimate that the overall savings from use of over-the-counter medications can be as high as $4.75 billion a year on a national basis.

Persons at risk already for infectious disease, due to conditions of poverty that sometimes prevent them from practicing good hygiene, are more likely to suffer more severe symptoms and long-term consequences of colds, flu and allergies than those who are better able to prevent these conditions or treat them in the early stages. The disadvantaged are the very people who end up in emergency rooms or at clinics with serious symptoms needing treatment they cannot afford.

The Community Storehouse, with the help of God's Pit Crew and other donors, established the Health & Hygiene program to distribute products like those listed above to needy families throughout Southside Virginia. Our clientele, already receiving supplemental food benefits, will in the coming months begin to receive health and hygiene benefits, as a part of our Healthy Families initiative.