Brandon's parents have a familiar story to tell. They both worked at a local factory, and both are now unemployed. Their unemployment benefits have run out, and they're left with some difficult decisions to make.
His dad started working part-time at a fast food chain, but that barely pays the house and car payments. "I never thought I'd find myself in this mess," he said.
Brandon tells us, "most of the time there's something at home to eat... most of the time." He goes on to explain, there's almost always not enough.
His parents go without a lot of the time, and he notices that.
Brandon says, the only 'real' meals he receives are at school. We know, balanced meals and nutrition aren't a priority when you're struggling to put food in the table in the first place.
Brandon receives a backpack each week, filled with enough child-friendly, nutritious food to last him weekends away from school. His teachers tell us, he's more attentive in class, and from his test scores, is retaining more knowledge. His parents have one less thing to worry about right now. He says, very simply, "the backpacks rock!"
Over half the children living in Martinsville and Henry County are classified as living in poverty. Won't you help Brandon, and the children struggling just like him, in our community?
It's not just food for today; it's hope for our tomorrow.